goodnoni®   made by Herbex in Fiji from sun ripened wild harvest Noni fruit, is certified organic and safe to consume.

Sterols are natural alcohols found in animals and plants; cholesterol is the most important sterol in animals and ergosterol the most important in plants. The plant sterols, called phytosterols have been the subject of extensive research in latter years as the problems associated with high levels of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) in the human body have increased. These problems include the cardiovascular diseases that are a primary cause of death in developed nations.

In Vancouver, Canada, researchers discovered that phytosterols which are found in many vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and fruit (including Noni) slow down the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and thereby lower total plasma and LDL cholesterol levels.

The three most nutritionally important phytosterols are (beta-)sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol. All three are found in Noni juice adding still further to Noni's nutritional capabilities. Studies have revealed that men consuming a low-fat, high-fibre diet containing high amounts of plant products have a lower risk of prostate cancer than those who do not. One of the main differences between the two diets is the presence of plant sterols in the high plant diet and the different types of fat found in both.

In a comparison of sitosterol (found in plants) with cholesterol one study revealed that sitosterol was more effective than cholesterol by 24% in causing the disintegration and decreased growth of cancer cells in the prostate.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a condition whereby the prostate gland enlarges in size with no malignant tumour involved. This enlargement results in an obstruction of the flow of urine which increases in urgency and frequency and results in many nightly excursions to the bathroom for affected individuals.

Reports from individuals with Prostatic Hyperplasia suggests that after consumption of Noni juice the urine obstruction is alleviated considerably. One of the reasons for this improvement may be the beta-sitosterol content of Noni juice. A study was conducted in the USA comparing beta-sitosterol with other substances in regard to their action on enlarged prostates. Those conducting the study concluded that the prostate was not reduced in size but that this sterol definitely reduced the annoying symptom of frequent urination.

In animal studies beta sitosterol has been shown to be anti-inflammatory, anti-neoplastic ( ie.anti-cancer), anti-pyretic (lowers fever) and able to balance the immune system.

A trial conducted on animals and humans demonstrated that beta-sitosterol mixed with its glycoside helped regulate the functions of specific T-helper lymphocytes and improve natural killer cell activity. In addition, a dampening effect on overactive antibody reponses (hence a balancing of the immune system) as well as the normalisation of other biochemical processes was observed.
T-cells are lymphocytes (white blood cells) processed in the thymus gland. They change into many types of immune cells, such as T-helper cells, which help antibody production. Natural Killer (NK) cells is the first line of defense against cancer cells and other cells infected with viruses. It has been noted that there are decreased numbers of NK cells in cancer patients.

The conclusions drawn fromthese tests indicate that with the immune system being properly regulated, numerous disease conditions will be improved including rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, cancer, auto-immune diseases (such as psoriasis, Hashimoto's disease etc.) and chronic viral infections.

Many individuals have related successful reduction of symptoms in all of these conditions after drinking Noni juice for some time.
Extracts of stigmasterol and sitosterol have been found to have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect when applied topically. Any quantities of these substances, which were trialed, reduced swelling and inflammation and worked very well in cases of acute conditions.

In addition campesterol, stigmasterol and sitosterol have been found to have significant anti-platelet aggregation activity (ie. it reduces the tendency of platelets to clump together), which is especially important if one is prone to thrombotic (blood clotting) conditions. Platelets (also called thrombocytes) are produced in the bone marrow. Their function is to repair slightly damaged blood vessels and begin a series of reactions that results in blood clothing.

There are conditions within the body that may result in the platelets becoming overly "sticky" and creating dangerous blood clots which obstruct the blood vessels. The phytosterols reduce this stickiness to appropriate levels.